Do You Hate Your Teeth? Here's What You Can Do

If you hate your teeth, you're not alone. Research shows that more than half of Americans are insecure about their teeth. Stained and chipped teeth or a crooked smile can impact your self-esteem and oral health. The good news is there's plenty you can do to restore your confidence. Here's how to get started.

What Do You Hate About Your Teeth?

Identifying what you hate about your teeth is just the first part of the journey. Do you hate your teeth because of how they’re aligned? Are you unhappy with their color? Or do they cause you physical discomfort or pain?

There’s an answer to all of these problems.

You also need to know what's causing the problem. Don't guess and diagnose yourself. Schedule an appointment for a teeth cleaning and exam to get an expert opinion and action plan.

9 Things You Can Do to Help You Love Your Teeth

1. Consider Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth can make them brighter faster. Your dentist can schedule you for a cosmetic dental whitening treatment if you request one. Some household items like apple cider vinegar, lemons, oranges, etc., are also capable of whitening your teeth. However, a teeth whitening kit will give you a faster and more effective result.

2. Go for a Deep Cleaning

Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning to help restore your smile. Unlike regular cleaning, a deep clean addresses plaque above and below your gum line. This procedure helps prevent the progression of gum disease and tooth loss.

Special tools help clean plaque, tartar, and bacteria below your gum line. It's common for dentists to recommend them to address moderate to severe periodontitis (gum disease). In extreme cases, the dentist may remove parts of your decayed gums. 

3. Ask Your Dentist About Veneers

Sometimes teeth need veneers to disguise discolorations and damage. Veneers are thin, customized tooth-colored materials covering your teeth' surface. Think of them as a shell that covers your tooth.

If you hate your teeth, veneers do more than help restore their look. They also help protect teeth with worn-down enamel and reduce sensitivity to hot or cold food and drinks.

4. Try a Night Guard

Are you grinding and gnashing your teeth at night? This condition, called bruxism, is usually painful and could quickly wear down your teeth. Beyond the discomfort you feel, grinding can also damage your smile by damaging your teeth.

It's a good idea to take an exam to assess the extent of the problem. You may also need a night guard. This protective device covers your teeth and gums to prevent injury to teeth, lips, and gums.

5. Fix Chipped and Broken Teeth

Do you hate your teeth because of cracks and breaks? Biting hard foods, old fillings, and teeth grinding can cause chipped and broken teeth.

Fortunately, fixing your teeth doesn't require pain or a significant time commitment. A filling or bonding usually fixes the issue without the need for numbing. If needed, your dentist will apply tooth-colored resin and harden it with ultraviolet light. 

6. Upgrade Old Fillings

Dental fillings help fill existing cavities to prevent further decay and pain. However, fillings only last 10 to 15 years at most. They may need replacing sooner if you grind your teeth or accidentally damage them.

If you hate your teeth due to old fillings and crowns, an upgrade could improve your appearance. Today, many dentists use composite resins or white fillings. They look like natural teeth and are as strong as the old metal versions dentists once used. 

7. Look Into Sealants

If you're prone to cavities and feeling self-conscious about the problem, dental sealants could help. Sealants are commonly prescribed to children but are also viable for adults. Dentists paint thin sealant coatings on the back of your back molars' chewing surfaces. You end up with protection against germs, bacteria, and food caught in the grooves of your teeth that could lead to cavities.

According to the CDC, dental sealants protect against 80% of cavities for two years and continue protecting against 50% for up to four years. When you prevent a cavity, your tooth is more likely to stay strong than one with untreated decay or a filling.

8. Consider Getting Adult Braces

Teenagers aren't the only people who get braces. In fact, 25% of Americans who wear braces are adults. You may want braces to improve your appearance and confidence.

Misaligned teeth could also increase the risk of cavities due to the inability to clean them properly. Braces also fix issues like overcrowding and uneven spacing that could negatively impact how you feel about your mouth.

There are several options on the market for adult braces. Traditional metal, ceramic, lingual braces, and self-ligating braces are just a few options to consider. 

9. Shop Around for a Dental Discount Plan

There are many talented dentists to help you love your teeth again, but they all come at different price points. Dental care doesn't have to be expensive, even if you don't have insurance.

If you don’t have dental insurance, try a dental discount plan like Carefree Dental.

Get 15-50%* off your dental bill at participating providers per visit in most instances for only $15.95/month for individuals and $19.95/month for families.

Learn to love your teeth again without spending a lot of money by signing up for Carefree Dental!


*Actual costs and savings vary by provider, service, and geographical area

The Carefree Dental blog is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The text and pictures within the content are intended for information purposes only. Readers should consult with a licensed dentist or healthcare professional before seeking treatment.

The Carefree Dental Card is not insurance, and Carefree Dental is not an insurance provider.

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