Best and Worst Breakfasts for Your Teeth

Updated August 17, 2016

Barely awake, you drag yourself out of bed as the sound of the alarm pierces your head. It’s chaos in the house with the children trying to find clothes to wear and where they put their homework. It’s time to get everybody ready and out the door for school. But wait, they need to have breakfast.

Busy mornings sometimes lead to unhealthy breakfast choices. It's easier to pop a frozen waffle or breakfast pastry into the toaster than to prepare less-sugary fare. Besides, the kids won't throw a fit as long as their breakfast contains more sugar than any other ingredient, right? Sugary breakfast foods, however, can cause cavities, bad breath, and other nasty side effects. We’ve outlined some of the worst, and best, breakfast choices for your teeth.

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FAQ: What procedures are discounted with Carefree Dental?

Carefree Dental offers an affordable alternative to dental insurance. We know many of our existing customers and potential new ones probably have a lot of questions about how our dental card works, so we created this FAQ article to answer the queries on your mind.

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What Is Right for You: Gold or Porcelain Crowns?

Crowns are an investment -- not in the way that you'll see a lucrative return, but that they'll increase the longevity and health of your smile. That's why it's important to select the type that best suits its purpose and also your lifestyle.

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7 Mobile Apps That Can Aid in Your Oral Health

Mobile apps have taken oral health to an entirely new level. Whether it's a game for kids or access to emergency dental care, your oral health is made far more manageable with these excellent apps.

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The Negative Effects of Your Weight-Loss Diet

Updated August 19, 2016

Dieting is a resolution for the new year, or for one of your milestone birthdays, such as the twenty-fifth, thirtieth, fortieth, or fiftieth. We all want to look good and feel great, but it is hard to get those pounds off once they are packed on. With too much to do every day and too little time, exercising and dieting have gone to the wayside, and we need to get back to what is important, our health!

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Can you save a knocked out tooth?

There are moments in life that we just can't predict. For most of us, having a tooth knocked out is one of those times. It can result from a trip on the sidewalk, a collision while playing sports, or maybe even a glass door that you didn't notice was closed! However it happens, it's important that you properly care for a tooth once it has been knocked out. Depending on the circumstances, your dentist may be able to use your real tooth, but there are some steps you should follow: 

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What are the types of teeth in my mouth?

Updated August 19, 2016

Have you ever considered all the structures in your mouth? From the hangy down thing in the back of your mouth to the multiple types of individual teeth, there is a lot of stuff going on in your mouth!

When you care for your teeth, smile for the camera, and laugh with your mouth wide open, you probably consider whether your teeth look good. But what are those teeth doing in there? Why are some of them different? Here are the basics when it comes to what's in your mouth.

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How Does Beer Affect Your Teeth?

Updated August 17, 2016

Mmmm…. A nice, cold crisp beer in the summertime to quench your thirst and keep you cool from the hot, sweltering sun.  St Patrick’s Day is another event where we like to get together with friends and drink beer. St Patrick's Day has come and gone once more, which of course means lots of beer was consumed. For the majority of those celebrating around the world, it's likely that the health of their teeth was one of the last things on their mind. But for those that are concerned with keeping that pearly white smile, how does all of that beer affect your teeth?

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Home vs. Professional Dental Services: What is Right for You?

You already know that it’s essential to keep your teeth clean, strong, and sparkly white, but do you know the best way to approach any of these techniques? Learn about some of the most popular dental procedures and discover the differences between using at-home products and visiting a professional dentist.

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