Dental Implant vs. Dental Bridge: Which One Do You Need?

If you lost a tooth, you’re not alone. Over two-thirds of adults between 35 and 44 have lost at least one tooth in their lives. But, lost teeth need to be replaced. And the two most popular options you have if you lost a tooth are to get a dental implant or a dental bridge. 

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Should I Go to the Emergency Room for a Tooth Abscess?

Toothaches can be horrible. But, is your toothache a simple pain? Or, is it something more? If your toothache is so severe that you’re thinking whether you should go to the emergency room, you may have a tooth abscess.

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The Dental Implant Process: Step-by-Step Guide and FAQ


The dental implant process can seem quite intimidating at first. Learn about the steps of this common dental procedure, so you know what to expect.

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Sonic vs. Electric Toothbrush: Which Is Better for Your Teeth?

There are various kinds of toothbrushes you can use for your daily dental hygiene routine. It’s easy to get lost in the selection. This guide can help you decide between a manual and an electric toothbrush and dives deeper into the differences and similarities between sonic and electric toothbrushes.

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How to Prevent Morning Breath

Morning breath is one of the more unpleasant issues most people have to deal with in their daily life. And knowing how to prevent morning breath can make your and your partner’s life much more pleasant.

We've all been there. You’re waking up to a beautiful morning. There’s a soft light seeping through the curtains and you hear the sound of songbirds chirping outside.

You roll over and gaze across the bed upon your beautiful loved one, who’s also just waking from a peaceful slumber. You lean over to plant a good morning kiss, and then it happens:

Bad breath of giant proportions assaults your olfactory senses. And it’s coming from your loved one's mouth.

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12 Common Dental Myths and Misconceptions You Shouldn’t Believe

Unravel the biggest myths and misconceptions about dental health and dental care. Find out what you should and should NOT be doing if you want to maintain a healthy smile.

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10 Common Questions About Dentures: Your Friendly Guide to False Teeth

You must have a lot of questions before you get dentures. We collected your 10 most common and pressing questions about false teeth and answered them in this friendly guide. Find out what dentures are for, how they work, and what you need to do ensure they last a long time.

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Does Mouthwash Really Work? The Answer May Surprise You


Every mouthwash bottle claims to solve all your problems. Supposedly, mouthwash fights gingivitis, bad breath, and cavities. But does mouthwash really work, or is it just a marketing ploy to get you to buy? Find all the answers you need here.

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How to Protect Your Teeth in 10 Easy Steps


The health of your teeth is crucial for your life and general wellbeing. Healthy teeth don’t just look great. They help you eat and speak. Learn how to protect your teeth and maintain your oral hygiene every day.

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8 Cheap Ways to Pay for Dental Work With No Money

It’s hard to keep your teeth healthy without money or insurance. But it’s not impossible. You just need to know where to look. Find out how you can pay for dental work with no money in 8 easy and cheap ways.

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