Tips for Brides to Get a White Wedding Day Smile

There are a variety of ways to get teeth whitened before the wedding. Here are some ways to whiten teeth professionally and at home to fit any bride’s budget.

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Should You Be Using Dental Powder Instead of Toothpaste?

What’s the deal with dental powder? Is it better than toothpaste? How is it made? Here you’ll found out everything you need to know about this tooth cleaner.

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Something to Smile About: Free Dental Care Events and Resources

Are you in need of some serious dental care? To help you out, we’ve listed all the places where you’ll find free or low-cost dental care near you.

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7 Things You Can Do to Prevent Tooth Decay

Are you sure you’re doing everything you can to prevent cavities? To protect your mouth from tooth decay, here are 7 crucial things you need to do.

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4 Common Drinks That are Worse for Your Teeth Than Soda

Soda or fruit juice —which one is better for your teeth? If you think the answer is juice, you’ll have to think again. Here’s why:

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Why Sports Drinks are Destroying Athletes’ Teeth

What’s so bad about drinking Gatorade while you work out? The trend between consuming sports drinks and dental erosion among athletes may surprise you.

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The Effects of Flying on the Health of Your Teeth

You are all packed up and ready to head off on your summer holiday. The kids are behaving surprisingly well. The airport gate is almost ready for boarding. You can feel the excitement building in your chest. Then, suddenly, you feel a twinge in your tooth. You know, the one which has been sporadically rearing its ugly little head, for the last two weeks? This guide to the most common causes of toothaches whilst flying will help you to identify the problem, find a solution, and rescue your holiday. 

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What do people do with baby teeth around the world?

Updated August 19, 2016

Do you remember losing your baby teeth? Did you try to pull it out yourself? Did you wrap a string around it and a string around a doorknob and then shut the door? Was your tooth so wiggly it almost fell out on its own? If so, you are one of millions of people who have experienced the same thing and are now experiencing these same moments with their own children!

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Should I be rinsing my mouth with water after I brush?

Updated August 19, 2016

Everyone rinses their mouth with water after brushing their teeth, don’t they? How else are you supposed to get rid of that strong minty taste and clear your mouth of leftover toothpaste? Well, rinsing your mouth after brushing may not be the right thing to do. In actual fact, if you do rinse out your mouth with water after brushing, you are getting rid of the fluoride from your mouth, which protects your teeth. Fluoride remineralizes your enamel, helps young children develop their adult teeth and decreases the acid production of plaque.

So, if fluoride does all of this good stuff, then why would you want to wash it out of your mouth with water? As with everything there are two sides to the argument, let’s look at them both.

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The Answer to Your Tooth Troubles Could Be a Corpse

Dental patients who need grafts or implants might be surprised by the spooky options they’re faced with. Read on to learn how dentists can give bones a new life with dental implants.

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