How to Improve Your Teeth on a Limited Budget

If you’re like most people, you probably already know the basics of healthy oral hygiene. Still, when you look in the mirror and smile, you notice imperfections that you wish you could fix.

The problem? Dentist visits–and their solutions–are expensive. As much as you want to improve your teeth, there are always other things in the budget to focus on, and your oral health tends to take a backseat to other bills, expenses and responsibilities.

But what if we told you that fixing your teeth and improving your oral health doesn’t always have to mean spending a ton of money?

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Everything You Need to Know About Cavities

What is the best route to preventing and dealing with cavities? Understanding as much as you can about them.

In this article, we’ll explain the ins and outs of cavities to give you a better idea of the kind of dental dilemmas that cavities can be (and lead to).

It’s important to remember that cavities aren’t just part of your dental health; they’re part of your overall health and wellness, too.

So, let’s dive in.

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10 Signs It’s Time to Schedule a Dentist Visit

carefree dental dentist exam

Everyone wants to enjoy their life to the utmost, and having a healthy body is a key piece of that puzzle.

When it comes to taking care of your body and maintaining your health, there are a lot of things to consider. From diet and exercise to doctor appointments and visits to the dentist, juggling it all can be a challenge.

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How Much Does a Dental Checkup Cost?

Looking to go in for a dental checkup but don’t know how much you’ll spend? You’ll typically have to visit the dentist every six months to ensure good oral health and maintain a beautiful smile. Knowing how much a dental checkup costs will help you plan and include it in your yearly budget.

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Does Dental Insurance Cover Teeth Whitening?

If you’re considering a teeth whitening procedure, you’d want to know if your insurance plan can cover it. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure, and if you're going to feel more comfortable with your smile, it can help. But knowing if your dental coverage covers teeth whitening is crucial so you can prepare adequately for it.

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How Much Does a Dental Visit Cost?

Dental visits are pricey and can quickly set you back by hundreds or thousands of dollars. So, you need to budget ahead before scheduling an appointment. The first step to budgeting ahead is knowing the average cost of a dental visit so your dental bill doesn’t come as a shock.

Discover how much you’ll need to pay for standard dental procedures for yourself or family members based on age.

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No Dental Insurance? No Problem! Here's What to Do

It’s pretty expensive to get dental care with no dental insurance. And one-third of adult Americans do not have dental insurance. But you can’t always wait till you’re at your wit’s end before seeing a dentist.

Thankfully, there are several ways to get dental care at low prices. Discover what to do if you don’t have dental insurance.

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15 Ways to Get Financial Assistance for Dental Work

One in five Americans puts off getting dental care because of the cost. But avoiding the dentist can have grave consequences. From living with chronic tooth pain to even dying from a simple cavity, getting the dental care you need is crucial for your health. Thankfully, it’s possible to get financial assistance for dental work. Discover information about financial aid for dental work to restore your confidence in your smile.

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What Is Supplemental Dental Insurance?

Getting the right dental insurance is important because it will determine how much your treatments will cost and what you’ll pay out of your pocket. It may also affect which dentists you see. However, most health insurance plans don't cover dental care. So, supplemental dental insurance could be one of the solutions. Learn more about supplemental dental insurance, why you need it and other alternatives available to you. 

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Dental Care in Medicare?

Dental care is expensive. So, it’s normal to look for ways to cut costs. Since Medicare helps with healthcare costs, does it cover dental care too? After all, oral health is a huge part of general wellness.

Medicare doesn’t cover most dental care procedures. And when it does, it’s to a minimal extent. Find out what Medicare covers and ways you can save dental care costs.

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